I used to be a glass half empty kinda girl. If I am being completely honest, I still can be a bit of a pessimist sometimes. I have just always felt that it prepares me better for anything that may go wrong.
My husband, on the other hand, is a true optimist. He will never say, “What if?” He may not always agree with others’ plans, but when he is in it, he will look at the eye of the storm, and will say “Come and get me.” He always looks for a solution, he doesn’t believe in dwelling on the problem, he has no issues with anyone or drifted relationships and he has no expectations.
Very honestly, it used to be so annoying; someone could literally spit on my face and he would still say, “maybe they were just having a bad day.” I would get so frustrated that he always had an excuse for everyone. But then, I noticed a beauty to it. No issues, no expectations, no feelings of hurt, and no negativity.
It is an exhausting practice – being so optimistic. Trying to empathise with everyone, even though they may not fully deserve our understanding. But when you force yourself to only look at the good, you will only give others your “good” too. Since the, the world has been so much more beautiful. There is so much love and light everywhere. And nothing surprises me. Nothing hurts me. That is the best part.
There will be those that don’t understand. Someone once told me, “you really don’t care – these people have never made an effort with you but you still treat them the same.” Why should I treat them any different? I vibrate at a higher frequency than them. I cannot expect them to understand.
Isn’t that such a wonderful thing? To vibrate higher, to achieve more, to be better?
Force yourself. Force yourself to be positive. Force yourself to be optimistic. Be so overbearing, that your negativity crawls into a corner and shrivels up into nothing. Look at the eye of the storm and say, “Come and get me.” Everything will fall into place. Try it, just once, and see the changes that immediately happen in your relationships and in your life.