Choices. There are just too many choices now a days. You can be an athiest, monotheistic, just spiritual, or you can say you are a hindu, muslim, buddhist, taoist, sikh, christian, and the list goes on. If you aren’t happy with one, well you can find another that suits you. That is the way the world is now – that is the way the world works. Not only with religion and spirituality, but also with partners, friends, family members, clothes, schools, electronics, toys, and on and on. “Try everything once,” someone told me. “Just once. You may never know what you may learn or what you may like.”
Well, maybe 20 years ago, your husband/boyfriend would have told you that you had to do something, and you would do it. But now, to hell with you, I only do what I want.
So let us look at us nowadays. We are increasingly inflexible, inconsiderate, intolerant and impatient. If we don’t get it this way, we will try it that way, and if you aren’t willing to do it my way, then please, there’s the highway. There is nothing wrong with this. It just means that you are really ready to just go after what YOU want – and hey, that was never a bad thing. We are born in an era where we are told we CAN chase our dreams, and follow our ambitions.
So despite all these choices and these highly evolved attributes of ours, why are we still such an UNHAPPY GENERATION?
I am writing this blog first and foremost to help myself figure out the answers that I have been searching for all these years. Why do certain things only happen to me? Why am I put in situations that I just don’t want to be in? Because from what I have seen, we can run, but baby, we can’t hide. We run so fast, our legs actually hurt. Our heart actually aches in certain situations. We feel our soul cry. But, if it was so easy, we would just jump out of those situations – but that isn’t so easy to do.
Have you ever noticed, you may be having the same feeling in your heart over an over again? Whether it is an insecurity, or a situation, you have felt this on more than one occasion in your life.
Life – it always catches up with us – someway or the other. No matter what alternatives we try to pick for our solutions, we are put in the same situation over and over again.
So let’s go on a journey together, to help ourselves be better, to be truly happy, and to live life on our terms – but to do all these things better than we already are.